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How Kingsway Bonbons are made in factory?

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The making of Kingsway Bonbons is an amazing candy-making adventure that combines science, creativity, and a ton of sweetness. Here, I'll take you through the process, step by step:
Step 1: Mixing the Ingredients
The journey of a Bonbon starts in a large mixing machine filled with simple ingredients like sugar, glucose syrup, and water. The mixture is heated until it transforms into a thick, gooey, and super sweet liquid, which is the base for our Bonbons.
Step 2: Adding the Flavors and Colors
Once the base is prepared, it's time to add some magic! Depending on what flavor the Bonbon is supposed to be, different natural flavorings and food coloring are added to the mixture. For example, if we're making strawberry Bonbons, a delicious strawberry flavoring and a red color are added.
Step 3: Shaping the Bonbons
This sweet, coloured mixture is then poured into special molds that are shaped like little Bonbons. Once filled, the molds go into a cooling chamber to turn the syrupy, hot mixture into solid, cool Bonbons.
Step 4: Making them Chewy
After they have solidified, the Bonbons aren't done yet. They need their trademark chewiness! To achieve that, the cooled Bonbons are conditioned in a warm, humid room. This process allows the candies to absorb moisture and become chewy instead of hard.
Step 5: The Sugary Coat
But wait, there's still one thing missing - the sugary coat! The Bonbons are now tumbled in large, rotating drums and dusted with a fine layer of powdered sugar. This gives them a soft and dusted appearance and prevents them from sticking together.
Step 6: Packaging
Finally, our Bonbons are ready for their journey to the candy store. They are gently poured into bags, sealed, and boxed up. And off they go, all set to bring joy to sweet-toothed adventurers like you!
And that, my young friend, is how a lump of sugar and color transforms into the delicious, chewy Bonbons that we all know and love! Candy-making is a fascinating process, isn't it?